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Antrim Open Space Committee 03/01/05
Antrim Open Space Committee
Meeting Notes
March 1, 2005

Members Present:

Charles Levesque                Loranne Corey Block
Bob Edwards                     Gil Geisz
Ben Pratt                       Linda Bundy

Also present for the first part of the meeting were members of the Recreation Fields Committee: Peter Beblowski, Sam Harding, Bob Holmes, and Rick Wood.

The members of the Recreation Fields Committee came to offer information, answer questions, and coordinate where both of our committees would be and what we would be doing at Town Meeting.

Rick Woods summarized the work of their committee in their search for a suitable site to supplement Shea Field which is overused and under-maintained. They concluded that the 73 acre Gould property on West Street best meets the needs of the town for recreation and has conservation potential as well. This site is close to the schools and the center of town, is accessible, and has areas suitable for ball fields. At public meetings held so far, the recommendation that the town purchase this parcel has been well-received by townspeople. The committee has letters of approval from the chief of police, the road agent, the Friends of Recreation, and others as well.

At Town Meeting the Recreation Fields Committee will have a table with a site map in the foyer. Members will be available to answer questions and have the letters of approval available for the public to review. They will also make a 10 to 15 minute presentation about this article on the town warrant.

The Antrim Open Space Committee will set up in a separate space with maps and the survey. The moderator will state that we are there, but we will not present.

The two committees then separated to individually plan for Town Meeting.

The Open Space Committee considered drafting a letter in favor of the warrant article, but decided it would be more effective to speak instead. Charlie will speak on behalf of the committee.

It was decided to have our display and surveys available on voting day, March 8th, as well as at Town Meeting on the evening of March 10th.

On voting day we will be at the top of the ramp where people exit after voting.
Coverage times are as follows: Loranne, set up and cover from 8 to 10 a.m.; Gil, 10 to 12; Bob, 12 to 2; Ben, 2 to 4; Charlie, 4 to 7 and collection of display materials; Linda, 6 to 7.

For Town Meeting, most members will be in attendance. We will position our display so that people pass by on their way to vote.

Our display will include:
·       the board-mounted aerial photo of Antrim, overlaid with Mylar
·       a sign saying, “Antrim Open Space Committee”
·       a sign asking people to mark the open spaces important to them in Antrim
·       a map showing the areas already in conservation in Antrim
·       a statement explaining our charge
·       surveys

Those members present at Town Meeting will be available to answer questions about our charge and the survey, to encourage people to complete a survey, and to ask people to think about the future of development in Antrim. How should development take place? What areas should be developed? What areas should be conserved? If people inquire about regulations, we can respond that we have not considered that aspect and ask for their opinions.

Members agreed to provide the following items for our display.


Aerial map with mylar

Sharpie markers

Copies of survey

Antrim Open Space Committee
“Mark Your Spot”


Enlarged copy of conservation map by Land for Public Trust (if possible)

Small table
Name tags

Copies of our charge
Box for completed surveys

Flip chart stand

Our next meeting will be April 12. We will look at a series of overlays with natural resource information from Melissa, and we will look at the information from the surveys to assess public input.

Linda Bundy
Note taker